《骑士镇魂曲(Good Knight)》官方中文 Build 8081518 P2P硬盘版[CN/EN]_0

英文名称:Good Knight
游戏制作:Team Good Knight
游戏发行:Doublethink Games





操作系统: Win7
处理器: Intel Atom x7 Z8750 @ 1.60 GHz
内存: 2 GB RAM
显卡: Intel HD 405
存储空间: 需要 2 GB 可用空间
附注事项: YOOO! School took your wallet? Vtubers took your wallet? Your wallet took your wallet?! SAY NO MORE! WE GOT YOUR BACK HOMIE! Potatos system has potato mode than can work with cpu that watches paint dry. <3 Works 60fps on 320x240px. We will optimize it more so itll work on older specs, and better resolution.推荐配置:

操作系统: Win10
处理器: Intel Core i5-9300H @ 2.40GHz
内存: 4 GB RAM
显卡: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960
存储空间: 需要 2 GB 可用空间
附注事项: Does your PC got RGB?! PSU got RGB?! Love mouses that look like christmas lights?! ME TOO!! Even I got rgb installed on my girlfiend, she’s water cooled to her teeth! But dont worry your pc doesnt even need to be military grade to play GK to its full! It doesnt have to be RTX that goes bbrrt brrt brrt, shoots out crypto, to get 60FPS Max graphics. But its okay if its as strong as yo momma.
1. 解压缩
2. 运行游戏游戏截图

《骑士镇魂曲(Good Knight)》官方中文 Build 8081518 P2P硬盘版[CN/EN]_1

《骑士镇魂曲(Good Knight)》官方中文 Build 8081518 P2P硬盘版[CN/EN]_2

《骑士镇魂曲(Good Knight)》官方中文 Build 8081518 P2P硬盘版[CN/EN]_3

《骑士镇魂曲(Good Knight)》官方中文 Build 8081518 P2P硬盘版[CN/EN]_4

《骑士镇魂曲(Good Knight)》官方中文 Build 8081518 P2P硬盘版[CN/EN]_5

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