

牧场物语 安托斯之风 Harvest Moon, The Winds of Anthos(1.4.3)金手指 金手指_0牧场物语 安托斯之风 Harvest Moon, The Winds of Anthos(1.4.3)金手指 金手指_1牧场物语 安托斯之风 Harvest Moon, The Winds of Anthos(1.4.3)金手指 金手指_2牧场物语 安托斯之风 Harvest Moon, The Winds of Anthos(1.4.3)金手指 金手指_3牧场物语 安托斯之风 Harvest Moon, The Winds of Anthos(1.4.3)金手指 金手指_4牧场物语 安托斯之风 Harvest Moon, The Winds of Anthos(1.4.3)金手指 金手指_5牧场物语 安托斯之风 Harvest Moon, The Winds of Anthos(1.4.3)金手指 金手指_6牧场物语 安托斯之风 Harvest Moon, The Winds of Anthos(1.4.3)金手指 金手指_7

My Codes
max Money (When Sell/Buy)
Infinite HP
One Hit Stone (Mine)
One Hit Stone (World)
One Hit Tree (World)
* This code will not extract all the goods from the tree and stone, only get one or none. I make this just to clear the big stone in mine quickly.
Infinite Fishing Stamina
* Fish will be lost if not pull the fishing rod, its best to use with Movement Speed Increased code to pull the fish quickly.

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