

【美版】诡秘射手 Madshot 中文_0【美版】诡秘射手 Madshot 中文_1【美版】诡秘射手 Madshot 中文_2【美版】诡秘射手 Madshot 中文_3【美版】诡秘射手 Madshot 中文_4【美版】诡秘射手 Madshot 中文_5【美版】诡秘射手 Madshot 中文_6【美版】诡秘射手 Madshot 中文_7

Cthulhu heard the call
In search of eternal life, you invited forces beyond your understanding. You must invade that abominable eldritch mountain of slushy nastiness known as Cthulhu. Be it your atonement or damnation.

You are in Control
Dodge, roll, dash, wall jump, backflip, frontflip, hang from ropes, and keep on shooting while doing it. Madshot offers a really fluid and responsive movement where you’re always in control to create intense and cool moments.

Slaughter your way to Cthulhu
There’s a multitude of areas that each offer unique enemies and mechanics.
Kill enough enemies to charge a blood portal that summons rewards and a path to the next area and then survive epic and dreadful multi-phased boss battles.

Create lethal combinations
There’s a big focus on synergies between Weapons, sidearms, upgrades, and ultimate abilities that you can combine to make each run unique and fun.

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