

【美版】炫光星点 Auralux: Constellations 英语_0【美版】炫光星点 Auralux: Constellations 英语_1【美版】炫光星点 Auralux: Constellations 英语_2【美版】炫光星点 Auralux: Constellations 英语_3【美版】炫光星点 Auralux: Constellations 英语_4【美版】炫光星点 Auralux: Constellations 英语_5【美版】炫光星点 Auralux: Constellations 英语_6

Every choice matters, and the only path to victory is through clever strategy. Auralux: Constellations features a slow, graceful feel, easy to learn mechanics and vibrant minimalistic graphics – all pulsing to the rhythm of ambient music. This game is designed to provide a relaxing, cerebral experience that will challenge even the most experienced RTS fans.

Auralux: Constellations is the long-awaited sequel to Auralux, the critically acclaimed Real Time Strategy game. Start with a single planet. Then upgrade, expand, and attack until you’ve conquered the entire system. Now with Auralux: Constellations, for the first time you can play against your friends in online multiplayer games.

Featuring gameplay constellations with one new feature at a time, Auralux: Constellations is a real-­time strategy game that distills the RTS genre to its essential elements. Explore new gameplay possibilities: what happens if you take these basic rules and add fog-­of-­war? What if the planets moved? What if you had wormholes connecting distant parts of the map? You can replay the game to near ­infinity.

It’s Real-­Time Strategy, deconstructed.

– Features 150 unique levels, with a dozen new twists to classic Auralux gameplay
– New modes and maps including black holes, supernovas and wormholes
– Local & Online Multiplayer
– Gameplay driven music pulses and beats to the battle

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