

《咩咩启示录》 金手指_0《咩咩启示录》 金手指_1《咩咩启示录》 金手指_2《咩咩启示录》 金手指_3《咩咩启示录》 金手指_4《咩咩启示录》 金手指_5《咩咩启示录》 金手指_6《咩咩启示录》 金手指_7

[(ZL) Speed Up 加速]
[Freeze Time 冻结时间]
[(L+R) Skip to next Day 跳到下一天]
[Insta-Kill 秒杀]
[Inf. Red Hearts 无限红心]
[Inf. max Red Hearts 无限最大红心]
[Inf. Blue Hearts 无限蓝心]
[Inf. Black Hearts 无限黑心]
[Inf. Spirit Hearts 无限灵心]
[Inf. Fervour 无限热情]
[Inf. Hunger 无限饥饿]
[Inf. Hunger Worshippers 无限饥饿崇拜者]
[Inf. Faith 无限信心]
[No Illness 无病]
[Worshippers don’t get Sick 崇拜者不会生病]
[Worshippers don’t get Tired [崇拜者不会累]
[Worshippers don’t get older [崇拜者不会变老]
[Worshippers are 1 Year old [崇拜者都是1岁]
[Worshippers Life Expectation is 1’000 Years 崇拜者的预期寿命为 1000 年]
[Worshippers max Loyalty after Blessing 崇拜者祝福后最大忠诚度]
[Worshippers max Level after Blessing 崇拜者祝福后最高等级]
[Weapon Level Max 武器等级最高]
[Weapon Attachment no Cooldown 武器附件无冷却时间]
[Insta-Chop Wood 即时砍木头]
[Insta-Mine Stones 即时采矿石]
[Insta-Pick Up Berries/Flowers 即时取得浆果/鲜花]
[Insta-Dig Up Stumps 即时挖掘树桩]
[Insta-Build Buildings 即时建造建筑]
[Insta-Consecrate/Refine Resources 即时奉献/精炼资源]
[Inf. Divine Inspiration Souls 无限神灵感魂]
[Inf. Divine Inspiration Points 无限神灵感点]
[Unlock All Structures 解锁所有结构]
[Easy Cooking/Crafting (Only 1 Item Required) 轻松烹饪/制作(仅需 1 件物品)]
[Inf. Commandment Stones 无限诫石]
[Inf. Items 无限项目]
[Picked Up Item x2 拾取物品 x2]
[Picked Up Item x4 拾取物品 x4]
[Picked Up Item x16 拾取物品 x16]
[Picked Up Item x32 拾取物品 x32]
[Picked Up Item x999 拾取物品 x999]
[Slot 1 – 50 x999 插槽 1 – 50 x999]
[- Currency Cheats 货币秘籍 -]
[Slot 1 Lumber 栏位 1 木材]
[Slot 1 Stone 栏位 1 石头]
[Slot 1 Bone 栏位 1 骨骼]
[Slot 1 Coin 栏位 1 硬币]
[Slot 1 Heart of a Heretic 栏位 1 异端之心]
[Slot 1 Holy Talisman 栏位 1 圣符]
[- Food Cheats 美食秘籍 -]
[Slot 1 Beetroot 栏位 1 甜菜根]
[Slot 1 Berry 栏位 1 浆果]
[Slot 1 Blowfish 栏位 1 河豚]
[Slot 1 Cauliflower 栏位 1 花椰菜]
[Slot 1 Crab 栏位 1 螃蟹]
[Slot 1 Fertilizer 栏位 1 肥料]
[Slot 1 Follower Meat 栏位 1 随从肉]
[Slot 1 Grass 栏位 1 草]
[Slot 1 Lobster 栏位 1 龙虾]
[Slot 1 Meat 栏位 1 肉]
[Slot 1 Minnow 栏位 1 鲦鱼]
[Slot 1 Morsel 栏位 1 小块]
[Slot 1 Octopus 栏位 1 章鱼]
[Slot 1 Pumpkin 栏位 1 南瓜]
[Slot 1 Salmon 栏位 1 鲑鱼]
[Slot 1 Squid 栏位 1 鱿鱼]
[Slot 1 Swordfish 栏位 1 剑鱼]
[Slot 1 Tuna 栏位 1 金枪鱼]
[- Item Cheats 物品秘籍 -]
[Slot 1 Beetroot Seed 栏位 1 甜菜根种子]
[Slot 1 Berry Bush Seed 栏位 1 浆果丛种子]
[Slot 1 Big Gift 栏位 1大礼包]
[Slot 1 Camellia 栏位 1 山茶花]
[Slot 1 Camellia Seed 栏位 1 山茶花种子]
[Slot 1 Cauliflower Seed 栏位 1 花椰菜种子]
[Slot 1 Crystal Shards 栏位 1 水晶碎片]
[Slot 1 Eye of the Witness 栏位 1 见证者之眼]
[Slot 1 Feather Necklace 栏位 1 羽毛项链]
[Slot 1 Flower Necklace 栏位 1 花朵项链]
[Slot 1 Gold Bars 栏位 1 金条]
[Slot 1 Gold Nugget 栏位1 金块]
[Slot 1 Menticide Mushroom 栏位 1 杀灵菇]
[Slot 1 Menticide Mushroom Spore 栏位 1 杀灵蘑菇孢子]
[Slot 1 Moon Necklace 栏位 1 月亮项链]
[Slot 1 Natures Necklace 栏位 1 自然项链]
[Slot 1 Pumpkin Seed 栏位 1 南瓜种子]
[Slot 1 Shell 栏位1 外壳]
[Slot 1 Skull Necklace 栏位 1 骷髅项链]
[Slot 1 Small Gift 栏位 1 小礼物]
[Slot 1 Spider Silk 栏位 1 蜘蛛丝]
[Slot 1 Stone Blocks 栏位 1 石块]
[Slot 1 Wooden Planks 栏位 1 木板]

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