

《守夜人:长夜 Vigil The Longest Night》1.0.4 金手指_0《守夜人:长夜 Vigil The Longest Night》1.0.4 金手指_1《守夜人:长夜 Vigil The Longest Night》1.0.4 金手指_2《守夜人:长夜 Vigil The Longest Night》1.0.4 金手指_3《守夜人:长夜 Vigil The Longest Night》1.0.4 金手指_4《守夜人:长夜 Vigil The Longest Night》1.0.4 金手指_5《守夜人:长夜 Vigil The Longest Night》1.0.4 金手指_6《守夜人:长夜 Vigil The Longest Night》1.0.4 金手指_7

No hurt by enemies attack
No hurt by trap
No hurt by falling down
No hurt by buff effect
No hurt by fall rock
Inf SP
16x EXP
16x Money
16x Damage to Enemies
Unlimited use of Potions
Unlimited use of Throw Items
Unlimited use of Arrows
Unlimited takeout Items from Warehouse
Unlimited upgrading skill
Free Shopping
Free Upgrade weapon in Forge
Upgrade weapon without consuming item
Free Enchant weapon in Forge
Enchant weapon without consuming item
Easy Drop Items
Right stick IN to Speed Run (not suggest)
Left stick UP to Moon Jump (not suggest)
Left stick IN Through Walls (not suggest)

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